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Why Your Business Needs a Responsive Website design?

Picture this, you’re not generating any new business enquiries and have even begun losing customers lately. Gradually but surely, your business begins to lose momentum. You’re flailing at all attempts to make your brand visible and your website seems to be perpetually lost in the sea of web pages. Usually, if a website isn’t functioning, users get discouraged and leave the site. People leaving your website ultimately means no new customers. Given this kind of a scenario, what should a business owner do?

Not generating enough enquiries, losing customers and lagging behind in online searches are indications that you’ve probably still not cut the chord with the website you made aeons ago and it is slowly approaching a downhill road.

The world of technology is changing at a break neck speed and millions of businesses and individuals are now posed with the question—Is your website future ready?

A RWD stands for Responsive web design and it is the future of website designing – believing otherwise would be a colossal mistake.

Blink and you’ll miss it

A responsive website offers the finest user experience irrespective of screen size. Big screen, small screen, mobile or tablet screen, desktop or palmtop screen—a responsive website is adaptable to all kinds of screens.

RWD is different from creating a mobile version of a website; in fact it is a far more intuitive method of creating sites as it shows the user the exact same website whether a user is viewing on a mobile or on a laptop. The native method involves detecting their device first and later redirecting them to a different optimised website.

The importance of a responsive website can be gauged from Google’s website design guidelines which state that a RWD is preferable, because it avoids multiple websites with duplicate content and saves resources.

So, when you begin to realise that you’re not attracting any new customers and are somewhere at the bottom of the food chain, the first thing to do is approach a reputed agency that has the capabilities of revamping your website to make it into a responsive website. Chances are you will begin to see a difference in no time.

How RWD works

RWD is basically a method of creating websites that reproduces the same viewing across devices. Sites are built in such a way that there is absolute ease in viewing, reading and navigating. The compatibility of the website runs across all gadgets and there is no need for resizing, panning or scrolling. Think of it as an agile design in which a responsive website will automatically adapt the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible images and Cascading style sheets.

A responsive website is one that is designed to create the best experience for mobile users as well; considering that the mobile is king in Internet surfing, browsing social media, checking emails, banking and online shopping.

How RWD works in relation to mobile

On a mobile phone the screen size is not as large as a desktop, so its very important to minimize the frills and make way for essential content, such as quick information about your business, pricing, product range, discounts (if any) and contact details.

A RWD is built to increase your business or conversion rates and reach out to mobile users across the world. If the website is not compatible on the mobile or tablet, users will not convert and you end up losing precious business.

How important is it to consider the mobile while making a website?

Mobile Internet usage is expected to overtake desktop usage. Research suggests that found 69% of tablet users have shopped on their device within the last 30 days. More than 20 percent of Google searches are performed on a gadget of some sort. 25.85 percent of all emails are opened on mobile phones, with another 10.16 percent being opened on tablets. Out of the 4 billion mobile phones in the world, 1.08 billion are smartphones and the numbers are growing every single day. Users are increasingly using their mobiles to explore and purchase online.

So, if you want to stay ahead of the pack, it makes sense that your website is a mobile-friendly site.

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