You know you have a serious customer when they get as far as the Contact Us page of your site. The contact made through the Contact us page, could be a tipping point in your sales funnel. So how does one make the interaction with the Contact Page so great that the customer is convinced about your business?
Here’s how the top web development companies in Chennai are designing the Contact Page that is actually helpful to the customers.
Make the Contact Us page easy to find
Let’s start with the most basic tip. If this is your first business website, you are bound to pull out all the stops and that includes fancy titles and fonts. Don’t do that!
Use a common phrase that just about anybody would understand. Phrases like Contact us, Help, Support, etc work best as they are very clear about their intention. Now you need to place the link somewhere on your page where customers can easily find it. The usual places that one finds the Contact Page link are on the main menu on the header bar. This is easily the most prominent location and is used by the top web development companies in Chennai. Some websites opt to place the link in the footer which is where people might go for easy navigation to all parts of the website.
Keep it as simple as possible
All of us have the shared experience of spending hours and hours on customer support calls, and not getting anywhere close to what you want done. The customer should never feel helpless when they hit the Contact us page of your site. The most common form of contacting a business is by using a Form. Now all you need to do is keep the form as short as possible.
Stick to asking them the essentials. For example if the customer wants clarification about an order delivery, let the form be something along the following lines.
Phone number:
Reason: < A Drop Down List>
Message: < A text box with a character limit>
Attachment: < A link to attach supportive images and documents>
This is the simplest form format that covers the bare essentials. You can build on it to fit your needs. Additionally the top web development companies in Chennai direct them to other channels of help like FAQs, newsletters, resources like blogs and instruction videos.
Make the page more personal
The customer is no more satisfied in dealing with nameless people or AI. They need assurance that an actual person is working on solving their problem. This can be achieved in one of two ways.
Method 1: You can use an actual support chat with AI chatbots or live personnel. Include a picture and have the support staff introduce themselves by their name or an assigned name. Don’t even try using stock photos, as customers can easily see through such ruses. Have the support staff address the customer by name. This gives them the feeling that the company cares about them.
Method 2: You can include a photo carousel or simply a header of images above the contact form, with pictures of your customer support staff. The top web development companies in Chennai include their names below the photos, so the customers can put a name to the face. Consequently when the customer receives a reply with the support staff name, they can tie the name to a photo of the person, and feel assured that they are having an actual conversation and not a stock reply.
Give them a timeline for the response
It is extremely difficult to attend to the customers’ concerns then and there. Businesses usually note down the issue through the contact form or a ticketing system. Then tickets are assigned to customer care personnel who get back to the customers after the issue is resolved. But in most cases the customer is left clueless as to when they get their solution. Each hour is a test of their patience and a weakening of their faith in the brand or business.
Make sure you include an average response time or an actual response time based on how much time it would take for your team to resolve the problem or query. This timeline, even a rough one, relieves them from having to keep checking their mail or phone for the response constantly. Better yet, if you respond within the timeframe you specified to them, it bolsters the customer’s confidence in the business.
With these tips in mind, if you are looking for a competent web developer to design your site, then look no further than Open Designs. We are one of the top 10 web design companies in Chennai, with an experience of 20+ years in web development and digital marketing. Our web design services in Chennai are by far the most customised solutions at attractive rates.