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In a business, an outdated website can easily harm the image of the firm and its digital growth. A strong website helps you outrank your competitors and secure high leads and sales for your business growth. But to achieve a strong website, many businesses trust firms in web development Chennai. So, how can we conclude that it is the right time to take action to revamp a website with a web design company? Let’s find it.

Being friendly with mobile

Some business people don’t understand the potential of mobile phones and their power to brand a firm. Google bases its ranking on mobile rather than desktop. So if your website feels chunky and loads slowly, especially on mobile devices, then losing potential customers is a high possibility. Also, it could damage your ranking on Google searches. Keep in mind that not a single person shows interest in dealing with a disorganized website with the worst navigation.

It takes more time to load

When you open a website, do you know how much time your focus lasts? In 2000, a study conducted by Microsoft revealed that a normal person’s attention span on a webpage is close to 12 seconds, but now it has dropped even lower to approx. 8 seconds. Now, if your page loads in more than 8 seconds, you will be at risk of losing your number of visitors even before your site completely loads.

In today’s fast-paced world, the loading time limit has been pushed to 3 seconds, so running a website for business is about grabbing customers. So test your website’s loading speed with Google’s pagespeed insights. If the result is unfavourable to you, start redesigning your website.

If the bounce rate is high?

Just building a website and showcasing your product or service is not enough for a website to be interactive. If your website produces a high bounce rate, this indicates your website fails to hit the best usability or user-friendly design. That’s because your website is not impressive or your product or service is lacking in being captivating.

So get help and guidance from a website design and development company and build a website that is neat and responsive and easily attracts new visitors with eye-catching content. Your content needs to be informative with vibrant designs and a people-friendly interface to both retain new visitors and create repetitive value for your website.

Is navigation daunting?

When you enter a website and look for a contact form or any specific product or service, you can’t find it easily and get tired of searching for it. Now, what will you do? You left that site. That’s a common reaction when your website struggles to navigate and makes them leave and avoid accessing it again.

So be sure to build a website with images, proper instruction content, and a well-organized layout for your visitors. These make visitors easily reach what they need and even push them to make purchases.

Your competitors are ahead of you

A website design that was most interactive in 2020 is outdated and boring given the current internet trend. So just a website with zero updates or constant designs will be out of your business league. Your competitors are always updated with recent trends and styles, so to stay competitive with them, you need to keep your website a blend of recent trends and best practices

You and your business are evolving

Over time, both your business and your product or service will change or evolve through the provision of new products or updated service options. It’s progressive, but if your update doesn’t reflect on your site properly, then no one will benefit. So if you’re planning to update your website with new updates and options, then the best time to start is right now to check both content and design.

Lacking good organic traffic

The term ‘organic traffic’ in a website refers to visitors who enter your site through a search engine. To simplify it, it’s about the traffic you get through your inbound marketing and SEO efforts. A dip in organic traffic is the best indication of your problem with missing out on customers. Most of the time, organic traffic is about issues in SEO. So using high-quality content, changing your keyword strategy, and revamping your website can enhance your SEO, promote organic traffic, and secure more sales.


If all the signs mentioned above hit your website, now is the right time to redesign it. So look for the best company for web development Chennai that offers the best solution for your problems. At Open Designs, we completely understand the importance of having an eye-catching and responsive website. That’s the key reason to collaborate and create a stunning website for your business. Contact Open Designs and start your digital journey now.

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